ONE SiGN of relief AT A TIME


you’ve been waiting for a sign, haven’t you?

it is our mission to spread love and hope throughout communities one sign at a time.

SIGN OF RELIEF BRINGS COMMUNITIES TOGETHER BY SPREADING love and hope through various signs of relief. one way we do this is by displaying AFFIRMATION MESSAGES ON SIGNS and banners within communities TO REMIND PEOPLE EVERY DAY THAT THEY ARE NOT ALONE AND EVERYTHING WILL BE OK! OUR MISSION IS TO SPREAD HOPE AND HAPPINESS THROUGHout COMMUNITIES ALL AROUND THE WORLD, one sign at a time! join us in our mission to spread kindness and love!

TAKE A SIGN OF RELIEF AND together help us SPREAD love AND hope!

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someone loves you and mailed you one of our postcards!


sign of relief

Nonprofit Organization 501(c)(3)




Help us continue to spread happiness throughout the world by making a donation today!




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sponsor A SIGN

Spread joy within your community and buy a sign today!

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